Tropical Studies Center


Ecologic houses and preserved areas to create a center for tropical studies, C.E.T., and save an ecosystem.



On the South Pacific coast of Costa Rica exists a virgin forest known for its natural richness and its exquisite situation between the sea and the mountain range.

For the past 30 years a farmer has lived auto sufficiently on this land with his family.Times have changed. The demand for land in the area by foresters and developers has increased, fragmentation of the land has started and the family is dispersing.Action is needed now to direct the development towards durable and integrated objectives preventing the destruction of the ecosystem.


Through a responsible investment, and ecological construction, a self sustaining community in syntony with the environment, will be realized through the conversion of different parts of the farm.

This land was the last grasing field up the mountain. There is more than 250 hecars of regrown and old growth forest, water streams and waterfalls.

Astonishing views of the pacific, and a cool breeze...


The center, corner stone of the project, is the guaranty of a responsible development.

Keeping the balance between private properties and conservation zones. The owners will have access to the reserve, with experimental gardens, trails and views. As well as the documentation of the C.E.T. on the environmental impact of the project, and solutions for a sustainable development.

The C.E.T will be responsible of the administration of the reserve, of monitoring and protection of the forest, it will also be a meeting point for persons interested in the project. There will be facilities for researchers.






Light Architecture to have as little impact as possible on the land.


Buildings on stilts to take advantage of the slopes.


Facilities like bungalows, workshops, offices, library, archives and computer room.


Renewable energies, recycling, and control over the consumption to achieve ecological goals.


Trails to access the mountain slopes for interpretation and monitoring of the forest.





The C.E.T. will have an academic purpose, proposing learning programs in architecture, plastic arts and music, natural and social sciences. The principal objectives of the courses are to stimulate alumni in:


•    Planing, development and promoting of projects of research in eco- architecture.


•    Theory and practice of the study of plants and animal life, in natural conditions, and their relation to the human habitat.


•    A better integration of the eco-architecture theory, through experiments and observations on the field.


•    The    use    of    ecological criteria in    preserving    and    managing sustainably the natural resources and the human habitat.


•    The multidiciplinary echanges between scientific and artistic fields.


The general program of those courses consist of residence in places chosen by the C.E.T. for their diversity of climate, flora and fauna. In each place, there is interpreted walks and projects organized by the guides. These project evaluate on the spot ecological concepts and help to plan questions, as to bring the alumni to achieve projects of personal investigation during he's or her stay. At night there is conferences, work sessions, debates and preparation of comptes-rendu. In all the projects emphasis will be put on the theoretic conception of the problem, the analysis of the data and their ecological interpretation. Alumni will count with the support of C.E.T. members, computers and bibliography on the facility.



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